Monday, September 14, 2009

i talk fashion

Perhaps most of you haven't heard about me in the fashion blogging industry because yes, i am a newbie. But if you say Marc Jacobs and Kenneth Cole, I am more than sexcited to talk about it. I live with them baby! Well, not really in fact. In a small town, wearing Topman and Lanvin is like an astronaut in Twilight movie. Yes i know Twilight is awesome right? Can't wait for New Moon. Anyway, yeah i'm pretty much closeted fashionista.

Most of the time i tried too hard to look like Bryan Boy and Berth but i turned out to be a complete fashion disaster, knowing that i look like a douche bag of the day. Then i realized that wearing yourself and i don't mean to wear your skin but your intuition is the apple of the day; it keeps you away from the fashion critics. I know everyone hates being criticized of how you dress for the day. I hate it too, seriously. I mean, who the heck do they think they are talking trash about how i dress? Fuck off.

But i have to be honest that i do sometimes criticize fashion on street because i think that will help me to improve but do they? Probably not and maybe if they read this blog, hopefully they will get a sense of fashion, a tinge at least.

Okay maybe i am a bitch who don't have any sense of fashion who love to brag about couture. That's all for now.


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